Breast Biopsy Surgery for Lake Mary & Orange City, FL

At North Orlando Surgical Group, we are proud to have established a unique surgical practice characterized by superior skills and extraordinary services both to the patient we care for as well as their referring physicians.  We are recognized throughout Lake MAry, Orange City, and all of Central Florida for our ability to perform complex general surgery procedures in the least invasive way.  Our attentive staff is focused on providing the highest level of personal services and are committed to making every patient’s surgical experience as comfortable and convenient as it can be.

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The main function of the Breasts is to make milk for breastfeeding a baby. The raised area on the outside is the nipple. Surrounding the nipple is darker colored skin called the areola. The inside of the breast is made up of glandular, fat and supportive tissue. Breast tissue is composed of milk glands, milk ducts, supportive tissue (dense breast tissue) and fatty tissue otherwise known as non-dense breast tissue. Not every abnormality of the breast indicates breast cancer or requires a breast biopsy surgery. There are various diseases of the breast to include fibrocystic breast disease, fibroadenoma, DCIS, micro-macro calcifications and breast cyst(s).

Diagnosing Early Signs of Breast Cancer

Calcifications occur as women get older. They are often tiny spots of calcium in the breast. They are too small to feel but can be seen on a mammogram. They show up as small bright white spots. Most of the time, they are harmless. When they show up in certain patterns or grow in clusters or in a line, they can be a sign of cancer.
DCIS, or ductal carcinoma in situ, is the presence of abnormal cells inside a milk duct in the breast. DCIS is considered the earliest form of breast cancer. DCIS is a noninvasive cancer where abnormal cells have been found in the lining of the breast milk duct. The cells have not spread outside of the ducts. DCIS is a very early cancer that is highly treatable. Treatment involves lumpectomy and radiation.

Fibrocystic Breast Disease, Fibroadenomas & Breast Cysts

Fibrocystic breast disease is not truly a disease but a condition. The contributing factor to fibrocystic breasts is a woman’s normal hormonal variation during her monthly cycle. Many hormonal changes occur as a woman’s body prepares each month for a possible pregnancy. The most important of these hormones are estrogen and progesterone. They directly affect the breast tissues by causing cells to grow and multiply. Treatment options include decreasing caffeine use, avoiding chocolate and supplements such as Vitamin E.

Fibroadenomas are solid, noncancerous breast tumors that most often occur in adolescent girls and women under the age of 30. A fibroadenoma is firm, smooth, rubbery or hard with a well-defined shape. Usually painless, a fibroadenoma might feel like a marble in your breast, moving easily under your skin. Fibroadenomas vary in size and can get bigger or even shrink on their own. Treatment options include: monitoring, breast biopsy or breast surgery to remove the lump.

Breast cysts are fluid-filled sacs inside the breast, which are usually not cancerous. You can have one or many breast cysts and they can occur in one or both breasts. They are often round or oval lumps with distinct edges. A breast cyst usually feels like a grape or water-filled balloon, but can sometimes feel firm. Breast cysts are common in women before menopause, between the ages of 35 to 50 (but can occur at any age) and in postmenopausal women taking hormone therapy. Breast cysts do not usually require treatment unless a cyst becomes large, painful or uncomfortable. In those instances, the cyst can easily be drained using a tiny needle.

Self-Breast Examinations

Self-Breast Examination is a valuable tool in diagnosing breast cancer at an early stage. It is important to remember that everyone’s breast are different and that changes can be related to aging, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, menopause or hormone use. Normal breast tissue feels lumpy and uneven. It is normal for a woman’s breast tissue to become swollen and tender right before or during her menstrual period. Nine out of 10 breast masses are detected through self-breast exam. Eight out of ten breast masses are not cancerous, but that does not lessen the importance of performing self-breast exams monthly. Regular exams will help to identify changes that require further evaluation and possible treatment such as a breast biopsy. The things to watch for during self-breast exam include: lumps/ hard knots or thickening in the breast or underarms; unusual swelling/warmth/redness or darkening that does not go away; change in the size or shape of your breast; dimpling or puckering of the skin; an itch/scaly sore or rash on the nipples; pulling in of the nipple or other parts of the breast; nipple discharge that starts suddenly or is bloody; pain that is localized in one ear and does not vary with your monthly cycle.

Annual Mammograms

Another important tool in diagnosing breast cancer is mammograms. Annual mammograms can detect cancer early – when it is most treatable with breast surgery. In fact, mammograms show changes in the breast up to two years before a patient or physician can feel them. It is recommended that women begin having annual mammograms beginning at age 40, even if they have no symptoms or family history of breast cancer. In patients with a family history of breast cancer we may recommend annual mammography at the age of 35. Many more people are surviving breast cancer. The key is early detection. Breast cancer can occur in both men and women. The main types of treatment are: Breast Surgery, Radiation, Chemotherapy, Hormone Therapy and Targeted Therapy.

Breast Biopsies at North Orlando Surgical Group

We provide ultrasound guided breast biopsies at our offices located in Lake Mary & Orange City, FL at a significant cost savings to our patients. If a diagnosis of breast cancer is made, we offer lumpectomy (partial mastectomy) or mastectomy based upon discussion with the patient. Our general surgeons do tend to lean toward breast conservation in that the survival rates for partial and total mastectomy are basically the same, but that decision is ultimately patient dependent. We also provide axillary and sentinel lymph node biopsy to determine if the cancer has spread. We coordinate your care with other providers to include radiation and oncology. We also offer brachytherapy in specific circumstances. Brachytherapy allows a patient to receive radiation twice a day for five days instead of daily treatment for six to seven weeks.

At North Orlando Surgical Group we understand that seeing a surgeon to discuss an abnormal mammogram or breast biopsy can be frightening. We treat our patients as we would want our families to be treated; with understanding and compassion. In addition, our breast surgeons bring a level of skill and experience to your care that is unsurpassed. You can rest easy that you are in good hands with us!

When tests show that you might have breast cancer, you will probably need a biopsy just to confirm. Most breast biopsy results are not cancer, but a biopsy is the only way to find out. During the procedure, a skilled breast surgeon will remove cells from the suspicious area of the breast so that they can be studied further in a lab to see if cancer cells are present. If cancer is found it can be treated. When found early, there is a high chance of survival.

There are many different kinds of breast biopsies and your doctor will walk you through your options. Some use a needle and others an incision, each has their own pros and cons. The type that you have depends on the how suspicious your tumor is, where it is, how large it is, how many, any other medical problems that you might have, and your own personal preference. Ask the doctor which type of breast biopsy surgery you will have so you know what to expect during your procedure.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that if the doctor thinks you don’t need a biopsy, but you still feel like something is wrong with your breast, follow your instincts! Don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor about this or go and get a second opinion. A biopsy is the only sure way to diagnose breast cancer.

No matter what type of biopsy you have, the doctor will need to take a tissue sample and send it to a lab where a specialist, pathologist, will look at it. Typically you should receive your results in a few days to more than a week. Once you receive them, it is vitally important that you learn whether the results are final, or whether you will need a second breast biopsy.

Schedule an Appointment Today to Speak to Our Experienced Staff About Your Breast Surgery Options

If you have questions about your upcoming procedure, would like to learn more about how the North Orlando Surgical Doctors and Staff can help you or would like to make an appointment for general surgery, please give us a call today. We proudly serve the entire Central Florida region, including Lake Mary, Orange City, and the surrounding areas.

For the Health of Your Breasts, Reach Out to Us Today

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